Posted: September 2, 2020
Hello Families! We are under a week away from being reunited with our students. We are excited to welcome everyone back despite this year looking a bit different than what we are used to. As we prepare for a safe and positive return for your children, here are some important things you will need to know. More details regarding some of this information will be available in our school operational plan that will be made available to the public shortly.
Staggered Entry
Tuesday, September 8th only students in grades 1, 3, 5 and 7 will attend school on this day.
Wednesday, September 9th, only students entering Kindergarten, grades 2, 4, 6, and 8 will attend.
The remainder of the week (Sept.10th and 11th) all students will attend.
Students should be dropped off no earlier than 7:40am and no later than 7:55am. Pick-up times for K-2 is 1:40 and for grades 3-8 at 2:40. These times are important to follow as we would like to avoid traffic in the bus circle when buses are arriving.
During drop-offs and pick-ups, we are asking all vehicles to drive completely around the bus circle and park. Please refer to diagram. Please remain behind the buses if they are in the bus circle to ensure the safety of everyone and remain in your vehicle at all times. At no point should anyone drive in front of one of our buses.
Parents are responsible for screening their child for Covid-19 symptoms prior to sending them to school each day. If a student displays 2 symptoms once at school, they will be directed to a designated isolation room, given a mask until arrangements for pick-up can be made. Please note that we will not send your child home by bus. It is important you follow-up with Public Health by phoning 811 for further direction.
School Access
There will be no access to our building to the public unless an appointment is made. If you require an appointment, please contact the school at 228-2000. Every effort will be made to communicate via phone, email or through a virtual meeting. Any person entering the building must log in and wear a mask.
Classroom Bubbles
Each homeroom class will be considered a classroom bubble. Students and staff within their bubble are able to interact without having to social distance and share educational materials, however, every effort will be made to minimize shared materials. Classroom bubbles are not able to mix or interact with another classroom bubble throughout the school or on the playground. The playground will be divided into quadrants and each classroom bubble will be assigned an area to play which will rotate on a weekly basis.
All students in grades 6-8 will be required to have two clean masks each day that must be worn in all common areas (such as on the bus if they must be seated with another student, when entering or exiting the building, and when in the hallways). Students are not required to wear it when in their classroom bubble. K-5 students are not required to wear a mask however, the government of NB highly suggest that every student bring 2 clean masks to school. Staff will also be required to wear a mask when interacting with students outside of their classroom bubble and in areas where they are unable to maintain a distance of 2m.
Each classroom bubble will be required to eat in their individual classroom during lunch, therefore, no microwaves will be available this year. Also, please remember to send utensils, condiments, etc. with your child as this will not be provided.
Water Fountains
Water fountains have been disconnected and will be replaced with water refill stations. We encourage water bottles that can be refilled and are spill-free.
Changes have been made with regards to bussing. All students will be required to have one bus stop. No alternate stops will be accepted, the only exception will be for families with joint custody agreements. A note must be sent each time to inform teachers when this occurs.
Also, it can not be stressed enough that students must remain in their assigned seat while travelling on the bus to ensure that safety and social distancing measures be followed.
The only item available in the canteen this year will be milk, however, to avoid handing multiple coins and money, the only way milk can be purchased will be through a milk card. Milk cards cost $10 each and this is good for 20 milk (which still is 0.50 cents per milk). When your child’s milk card is running low, a top-up sheet will be sent home. If you are unable to afford to purchase milk cards please contact the school and an arrangement can be made.