Posted: October 26, 2009
- Read and Log
- Study Mental Math Strategies 14-15
- Math: Grade 7 - Quest. 1-3 pg. 69
Grade 6 - Quest. 1-9 pg. 48
- Choose best journal
- Re-writes for any "needs improvements" on any outcomes should come see me on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch.
Today the 6/7 class had a special presentation on self-esteem and self-image from the local RCMP. Students participated in some excellent activities promoting good self-esteem within the class and had some really positive things to say about each other.
In math the grade 7's are working on subtracting integers which students sometimes find difficult. Remember the two different tricks involving "adding the opposite" or "using a number line".
The grade 6's have been practicing some mental math strategies and will soon start on muliplying and dividing large numbers.