November 9th, 2021

Posted: November 9, 2021

Good Tuesday Morning!

 Yesterday was another gorgeous day, it's hard to believe that it is November! I hope everyone had a chance to go outside and get some activity for Phys Ed.

If you have the paper packages at home continue to work on the sheets. Try to do the Number of the Day sheet today. There is an example sheet and a blank one for you to work on. If you do not have the packets print off the attached document or write the nubmer 46 in the following ways:

word form, standard form, expanded form, tallies, base 10 blocks and five ways to make the number (can be ways to add and or subtract to get the number)

Read or listen to a story on tumblebooks or have someone read to you.  Username - nblib   Password - nbschools

Today I would like you to watch a video on setting and then write down the setting of the story that you read or listened to. Make sure to write down the title and author of the book. The video can be found at BrainPOP Jr.

Username: asdn2021

Password: steam2021

Login and then click on Reading and Writing, Story Elements, and then Setting.

Read over the two poems for Remembrance Day.

File remembrance_day_poems.docx884.76 KB
PDF icon number_of_the_day.pdf14.38 MB