Posted: June 1, 2020
Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather we had last week.
Teachers are back in school this week. It is a strange feeling to be sitting in my classroom without all of you here. This week, I am going to be sending you another invitation for a Skype meeting on Thursday. I sure hope that many of you can join in.
This week’s assignments are as follows:
- Read 30 minutes daily
- Go to and complete the “Voyage of the Stodig” article and quizzes
- Grade 7 students send me an email with your favorite memory of one or two of our grade 8 students. This can be a funny story, a moment that made you proud or even something you will miss about them. You could choose to write this out, make a short video or even a voice memo.
- Grade 8 students, send me an email with your favorite memory from your time at MRS. What will you miss about our school? Do you have any advice for future Sharks? You could choose to write this out, make a short video or even a voice memo.
I can’t wait to hear from all of you this week!