Dreambox Learning

Posted: April 7, 2020

I have set the class up with a Dreambox Canada math account.  It is a program that helps students practice all aspects of Math, in addition to numbers.  If you would like to access this program, please use the following information.  This is an option for students who would like to access this program.  Parents are also able tp set up a parent account free for 90 days.  For iPads and tablets, there is a Dreambox App.  

Each student has their own login.  If you would like your child's login information, please email me at kendra.mclean@nbed.nb.ca.  Otherwise, I will be giving you all another call home soon anyway.   See you online, miss you in person.  

Website: https://play.dreambox.com/login/knjs/bdwa

Class Code: 59221

School Code: knjs/bdwa