Sept. 28th, 2017

Posted: September 29, 2017

Literacy 6/7 

Today we had a great discussion about treating people, guests, with respect and how it's not easy to get up in front of people to talk. We also read half of Chapter 3 and had some really great conversations about what might happen to the characters.

Literacy 8

We started off the class with a mini-discussion on a news article about senior drivers and some of the reasons why they should or shouldn't be driving. The students were very mature and had some really great points! we then moved into catching up on some chapter questions, business proposals and corrections fo their questions.

Math 1

The kids were so excited today because OSMO came out to play! They were showing what they know with number recognition! Everyone was great at their stations, working hard on patterns!

Social Studies 6/7

We spent the first 30 mins paying contributions to the Terry Fox walk. Students were great walking around. When we came in, we went through a powerpoint on Residentital Schools and why they were wearing an Orange Shirt.

P.S. Everyone is so excited about the catpult challenge tomorrow. I hope to see lot's of faces!!!
Students were also sent home with two letters (one for the calendar of events and one on a contest!)