Just a correction notice for November's Hotlunch orders. There is no school on November 10th, so please remove this from the order form. Also, there is no school on November 24th so pizza will be served the day before (Thursday, November 23rd). Sorry for the confussion, this is all new for us!
Today, Miramichi Rural students received a catalogue inwhich we hope to sell various items to raise funds for our school's future student activities. With each catalogue there is a letter explaining all the pertinent details, an order form and a Treasure Map of possible prizes your child/ren can earn depending upon the amount of money collected. Students are asked to return the order form, the Treasure Map (indicating their prize selection) and all money owing by Monday, October 30th, 2017. The top selling class will be rewarded with a pizza party.
When the 2017-2018 school year started, we had to sadly announce that microwaves and the breakfast program would be unavailable due to improper equipment. As a result, we reached out to the school community for help to raise money to purchase proper commercial equipment. We were overwhelmed by the generosity shown, and I am happy to be writing this message to let you know that we now have 5 microwaves and 2 toasters. These items would not have been available if it wasn't for the generous donations put forth by the following:
Diane Godfrey's K-2 afternoon bus run is running a bit longer then in past years, therefore, students in grades 3-8 are being picked up at the school later then usual. This delay is about 15 minutes. If your child or children travel home after school on Diane's bus (#294), please expect them to be dropped off later then in the past.
We will no longer be able to have microwaves available for student use due to a notice received from the Fire Marshall. This regulation states that, "Household applicances are clearly marked for 'Household Residential Use Only' and includes kettles, toasters, coffee makers, etc. Such appliances are not permitted to be used in other type of occupancies including hospitals, nursing homes, special care homes, and schools."
Just a note that the school supply lists for grades 4/5 and grades 6/7/8 have been added under the document tab. We apologize for not having this uploaded sooner! These lists are also available at Staples.