Posted: January 13, 2012
As many of you are aware, I have just returned home from an incredible journey to Antarctica. I would like to invite you and anyone in the general public who may be interested, to a presentation on Monday evening from 6:30 - 8:00pm at Miramichi Rural School. During the presentation I will talk about some of the life threatening encounters I experienced during the expedition, you will learn about the amazing wildlife that call this frozen continent home and hear about the history of the great explorers from the early 1900's that gave their lives to explore this unforgiving terrain.
I have already shown many of my pictures to my students but this presentation will have added photos and videos. There will also be a couple of draws for some pictures I have developed into 11 x 14's.
I do caution you that you may develop a strong urge to travel after seeing this presentation. The only cure is to constantly search for spare change under the couch cushions, save up and go yourself!
Mr. Hayward
"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less travelled by" - Robert Frost