Posted: May 19, 2020
Hii everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend and spent some time outdoors while it was nice out. We worked on our raised garden and building our new gazebo. Can you believe that we are already more than halfway through May?
This week you can continue working on the reading and math websites and I am adding few new things you can do. I have signed up for BrainPop Jr, we have this until June 15th. This is a great website to teach many different topics from all subjects. Grade 2 take a look under Math, Addition and Subtraction and watch the videos on adding and subtracting with and without regrouping. Both grades should watch the video on Making Ten and basic adding and basic subtraction. Feel free to watch any of the videos that you wish. The website is and login. The username is Sharks12 and the password is looking1 .
I am also adding a some ideas that will cover the three different outcomes for literacy and a fun activity for math.
Enjoy your week and don't forget to send me pictures of your at home learning.
Mrs. Goguen