Homework for Monday, October 16th, 2017

Posted: October 16, 2017

Due Date: 

Monday, October 16, 2017

1.  Lecture 3x

2.  Gr. 5 Math-Study tables


1.  Oct. 20th-Eat pre-ordered subs.

2.  Oct. 23rd-Soccer photo orders due

3.  Oct. 25th-Early Dismissal @11:30 a.m.

4.  Oct. 26th-Gr. 5-8 Halloween Dance.  $3.00 with a costume and $5.00 without a costume.

5.  Oct. 27th-Eat pre-ordered pizza and November hotlunch orders due

6.  Oct. 30th-Santa's Little Helpers orders and money due.  Don't forget to select your prize and write it on the bottom of order form.

7. Oct. 31st-K-4 Halloween Activity Day.  Students are asked to please bring their costume to school. Make-up should be applied at home prior to arriving at school.