Posted: February 3, 2014
1. Read 20 min. and log. Sign spelling test.
2. Gr. 4 - Finish p.70 Unit 4 Lesson 9 in homework book Gr. 5 - Study 0-12x tables.
1. Pizza for $2.00/slice on Friday, Feb.7th, 2014
2. Pre-order "Winter Around the World at M.R.S. 2014" buttons all this week at 11:30.
3. Contest: Button logo designs due Wed. Feb. 5th, 2014
4. Gr. 5-8 Dance on Fri. Feb. 7th from 7 -9 pm.
5. Scholastic book order due Feb. 14th, 2014
6. K-4 Valentine's Day Sock Hop on Feb. 14th from 11:55-12:20 at the cost of $0.50.