Posted: May 27, 2015
1. Math - Gr. 5 - Study 0-12x. Sign Quiz. Quiz May 29th.
2. Spelling - Study Wk 13 words. Sign Test 12. Test May 29th
3. Read 20 min. Log. Journal due Fri. May 29th
4. Cook Book Orders due June 16th
5. Sign Consent form for trip to Aquarium in Shippagan. Need a bag lunch with lots of snacks, water, sunscreen, money for gift shop if your parents agree.
6. Science Test on Friday, May 29th
1. Smoothies on Mon./Fri.'s. Sm $1.00 & Lrg $2.00.
2. Pizza on Friday's $2.00/slice.
3. Field Trip - June 5th to Shippagan Aquarium. Returning @ 4:30.