Posted: December 14, 2021

Due Date: 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

It was announced yesterday that this Friday, December 17th, will be the last day before Christmas Break for students in K-6, making this week now our last week at school.

With that being said, our school has pivoted and switched up our Christmas Spirit Activities to fit the remainder of this week.
In Grade 3/4 this week...

Tuesday: Christmas Sweater/Colour Day
Wednesday: Christmas Hat/Mask/Sock Day
Thursday: Dress Your Christmas Best (Recording of Christmas Concert) + Secret Santa
Friday: PJ Day and Class Celebration

If you can send in your child's present for Secret Santa ASAP - it would be greatly appreciated! 
I would hate for someone to forget their gift on the day of!
If you're wanting to send in treats for our class celebration on Friday - please have things individually wrapped or easy to distrubute by Miss. Poole.