Posted: December 6, 2012
1. L.A. - Read 20 min. and log.
2. Math - Study times tables 0-12x. Sign quiz.
3. French - Lecture 3x.
4. Food Bank Donation - Canned milk, vegetables, beans and spaghetti
1. Hot lunch for Friday, December 7th is pizza at $2.00/slice.
2. December 4th - December 11th Candy Cane Candy Grams will be on sale in lobby from 11:30 - 11:55 for $1.00.
3. Book order due December 6th.
4. Sock hop for K-4 students on December 11th for $0.50.
5. Gr. 5-8 Christmas Dance will be December 14th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. The cost is $3.00.