Mrs. McLean - Archived 09/2020

Posted: April 9, 2020

Posted: April 8, 2020


Username:  MRS Sharks

If students are in need a passwords, email me at  

PDF icon april_calendar-_asd-n4292.pdf242.39 KB

Posted: April 7, 2020

I have set the class up with a Dreambox Canada math account.  It is a program that helps students practice all aspects of Math, in addition to numbers.  If you would like to access this program, please use the following information.  This is an option for students who would like to access this program.  Parents are also able tp set up a parent account free for 90 days.  For iPads and tablets, there is a Dreambox App.  

Each student has their own login.  If you would like your child's login information, please email me at  Otherwise, I will be giving you all another call home soon anyway.   See you online, miss you in person.  


Class Code: 59221

School Code: knjs/bdwa







Posted: April 7, 2020

The learning plan for each grade level is located under the "Documents" tab near the top of the page.  Each document is in pdf format.  If you have any concerns, email me at  

Posted: April 7, 2020

I have been made aware that my codes for Readwords are not correct.  Here are the Grade 3 and 4 Class codes again. 

Grade 3: GBJ5MV

Grade 4: 572TM6

I'll change it on the document as well.  I apologiize for the inconvenience.  



Posted: April 6, 2020

Welcome Families to Home Learning.  A few notes...

1. The assigned homelearning is a guideline.  This is a flexible schedule students can work through for the week.  The activities are suggestions for learning based on their grade level.  

2.  The province is suggesting that Grades 3/4 students do approximately 5 hours per week.  On a daily schedule it is about 30 minutes of Literacy and 30 minutes of Math.  Reading is just great to do, every day.  It will help in all subject areas and functional life skills in the future...personal finance, jobs, instructions, math, literacy, social studies,, read, read.   

3. Home learning is a work in progress for everyone.  There are all kinds of learning.  Now that the nice weather is coming, learning can be outside.  If you have any great ideas for activities that you would like to share with your classmates, please send them along to me.  We know that many families are still working.  Do the best you can do...that's all any of us can do at this time.   

4.  There will be hiccups as this is new for everyone.  Children are not meant to learn alone.  Make any of it as interactive as possible whether it's online with a friend or with a family member in the house, or both!  Please don't hesitate to email me at with questions or good news.  I'd love to answer your questions and see what you've been up to.  

See you online but miss you in person.  Stay tuned...



Image Galleries

Added: Fri, Apr 24 2020


Added: Sun, May 3 2020


Grade 3 Week 1 and 2 Plan (Math and Literacy)
Grade 4 Week 1 and 2 Plan (Math and Literacy)
Guitar and Ukelele Notebook Intro
Rocks and Minerals