Posted: November 16, 2018
Mrs. Perron
Posted: November 16, 2018
Posted: November 8, 2018
Posted: November 2, 2018
Posted: October 26, 2018
Posted: October 23, 2018
* Lecture 3x
* Gr. 5- Study times tables and sign test
* Dress warm for the Renewable Energy Presentation tomorrow
* October 22nd-Nov.2- Collect and bring in Operation Christmas Child Shoebox items
* October 25th-Gr.5-8 Halloween Dance 6:00-8:00 p.m. $3.00 with a costume & $4.00 without
* October 26th-Hot Lunch orders due
* October 26th-Hat Day $1.00
* October 31st-K-4 Halloween Activity Day $2.00
* October 31st -Gr. 5-6-Bring in pumpkin
* Nov.2- Book order due
* Nov.2-Last day to bring in Operation Christmas Child Shoebox items
Due Date:
Posted: October 19, 2018
Posted: October 15, 2018
* Lecture 3x
* Gr. 5- Study times tables and Test on doubling & halving tomorrow
* October 17th-Santa's Little Helper Fundraising Due (Orders & $$$)
* October 17th-Solid Waste Management Field Trip (Return consent A.S.A.P)
* October 18th-Corn Maze Field Trip (Dress Warm) (Return consent A.S.A.P.)
* October 19th-Return order form and $ for Student Council photo
* October 20th-Bottle Drive 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
* October 23rd-Return order form and $ for Soccer photo or retake orders
* October 25th-Gr.5-8 Halloween Dance 6:00-8:00 p.m. $3.00 with a costume & $4.00 without
* October 31st-K-4 Halloween Activity Day
Due Date:
Posted: October 12, 2018
Posted: October 5, 2018
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