Mrs. Perron

Fletcher's Farm Class Photo 2024

Posted: October 12, 2017


Mon, Oct 30/17 1:25 pm

Please note, all orders, money and Treasure Map of prize(s) selected are due on Monday, October 30th, 2017  for the Santa's Little Helper fundraising campaign.

Posted: October 12, 2017

File fundraising_letter_2017.docx77.92 KB

1.  Lecture 3x

2. Gr. 5-Study 2x tables

3. Fundraising Campaign Santa's Little Helpers (catalogue, order form, letter, and Treasure Map of prizes)


1.  Oct. 13th- Book order due

2.  Oct. 16th-Elementary Soccer Jamboree at King Street Elementary @3:20.

3.  Oct. 30th-Santa's Little Helpers order forms, money due and Treasure Map with prize selected due

Due Date: 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

1.  Lecture 3x

2. Gr. 5-Study 2x tables

3.   Oct. 12th-Elementary soccer practice from 2:40-3:30 (Please send a note to indicate if your child/ren can stay for practice).

4.   Memos


1.  Oct. 13th- Book order due

2.  Oct. 16th-Elementary Soccer Jamboree at King Street Elementary @3:20.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

1.  Lecture 3x

2. Gr. 5-Study 2x tables

3.  Oct. 11th-Picture Retake Day

4.  Oct. 11th-Elementary soccer home game at 3:45


1.  Oct. 12th-Elementary soccer practice from 2:40-3:30 (Please send a note to indicate if your child/ren can stay for practice).

2.  Oct. 13th- Book order due

3.  Oct. 16th-Elementary Soccer Jamboree at King Street Elementary @3:20.

Due Date: 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Posted: October 6, 2017

1.  Lecture 3x

2. Oct. 5th Elementary soccer home game cancelled and rescheduled for Wednesday, October 11th at 3:45


1.  Oct. 6th- Eat pre-ordered subs from Subway

2.  Oct. 9th- No School (Thanksgiving)

3.  Oct. 11th-Picture Retake Day

4.  Oct. 11th-Elementary soccer home game at 3:45

5.  Oct. 12th-Elementary soccer practice from 2:40-3:30 (Please send a note to indicate if your child/ren can stay for practice).

6.  Oct. 13th- Book order due

7.  Oct. 16th-Elementary Soccer Jamboree at King Street Elementary @3:20.

Due Date: 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

1.  Lecture 3x

2. Oct. 5th Elementary soccer home game cancelled and rescheduled for Wednesday, October 11th at 3:45


1.  Oct. 6th- Eat pre-ordered subs from Subway

2.  Oct. 9th- No School (Thanksgiving)

3.  Oct. 11th-Picture Retake Day

4.  Oct. 11th-Elementary soccer home game at 3:45

5.  Oct. 12th-Elementary soccer practice from 2:40-3:30 (Please send a note to indicate if your child/ren can stay for practice).

6.  Oct. 13th- Book order due

7.  Oct. 16th-Elementary Soccer Jamboree at King Street Elementary @3:20.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

1.  Lecture 3x

2.  Today's elementary soccer game has been Cancelled


1.  Oct. 5th-Elementary soccer home game at 3:45

2.  Oct. 6th- Eat pre-ordered subs from Subway

3.  Oct. 9th- No School (Thanksgiving)

4.  Oct. 11th-Picture Retake Day

5.  Oct. 13th- Book order due

Due Date: 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

1.  Lecture 3x

2.  Gr.5 pamphlet and memo for youngest in family

3.  Game Cancelled---- Elementary soccer home game tomorrow at 3:45


1.  Oct. 6th- Eat pre-ordered subs from Subway

2.  Oct. 9th- No School (Thanksgiving)

3.  Oct. 11th-Picture Retake Day

4.  Oct. 13th- Book order due

Due Date: 

Monday, October 2, 2017


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