MANGO and the ASD-N Healthy Learners Team are promoting healthy family meals during Nutrition Month.Instead of “fast food” think “convenience food”. Read more to learn about some shortcuts to quick, healthy & delicious meals…Healthier convenience foods, combined with fresh ingredients, can help you make tasty meals in minutes. Choose items with less sodium, fat and sugar.
MANGO and the ASD-N Healthy Learners Team are promoting healthy family meals during Nutrition Month.Are you too busy to make home cooked meals on weeknights? Read more to find out why you have more time than you think…. Having ingredients ready to go makes it a little easier. Try these time-saving ideas: 1.On the weekend, peel, wash and chop vegetables for the next couple of dinners 2.
The Home & School Committe will be hosting its monthy breakfast on Sunday morning, March 2nd beginning at 8:30am-11:00am. Enjoy traditional bacon, eggs, panfries and toast or an order of pancakes and bacon. The cost is $5.00/large or $3.00/small. All proceeds go towards new playground equipment.
Does your teacher have a classroom or subject web page that supports your classroom experience? Are you and your fellow students so proud of your school that you are busting to let others know about it? Have you used technology in your classroom to help you learn?If so then the 2014 ASD-N CUTE Awards are for you.NOMINATE your Teacher’s Web Page (parents can also make nominations for this award), Get involved with making a School Spirit Video - You could win a SMARTBOARD 680 and document camera for your school!
The staff of M.R.S. would like to thank the Home and School for the lovely gifts and delicious treats during the week of Feb.10-13th. It was certainly appreciated and made a wonderful start to our day! Thank you again for all that you do!
The Home & School Committe will be hosting its monthy breakfast on Sunday morning, Feb.2nd beginning at 8:30am-11:00am. Enjoy traditional bacon, eggs, panfries and toast or an order of pancakes and bacon. The cost is $5.00/large or $3.00/small. All proceeds go towards new playground equipment.
Tips for Keeping Snacks Safe:Always wash hands before preparing or eating a snack. This is the one of best ways to prevent food spoilage and contamination. Wash all fruits and veggies under cold running water. Clean all lunch boxes, thermal bags, plastic utensils and containers in hot soapy water. DO NOT re-use plastic wrapping and bags.Keep foods cold
-Yogurt, deli meats and cheese should be kept cold.
-Be sure to keep lunches in the fridge until the morning and include an ice pack or frozen juice pack when sending lunches to school.
Keeping the drinks in snacks healthyDid you know that fruit drinks, pop, and sports drinks usually contain lots ofadded sugar, very few vitamins and may contain caffeine? For example, one 700mlbottle of sports drink has 10 teaspoons of sugar – the same amount in one can of pop. These are not considered healthy beverage choices.
Making Healthy Snacks Fun!
Snacks are important and children should enjoy eating them too. If we enjoy something we are more likely to do it. This document attached below, provide you with tips on how to get your children interested in the snacks that they are eating beginning from helping to select them at the grocery store to opening up their lunch box to see what will make their recess time more exciting. Read on for some exciting ideas and recipes.
This month the focus for the Mango Mania Blitz is on Healthy Snacks. Keep looking for our weekly posts about these “mini meals” that are very important to children and their ability to play and learn. Snacks are important to both children and adults and we will provide some snack ideas as well as some advice on how to make snacks appealing to your children. The attached document will help introduce the topic and get you started with some ideas. January 27th - 31st will be Mango Mania challenge week so children will be encouraged to bring healthy snacks to school.