
Posted: February 11, 2013

Hot lunch for Wednesday, February 13th will be spaghetti and a roll for $2.00. 

Posted: February 9, 2013

WEEK #2 (Feb.11 to 15): Making a Healthy Lunch Fun!  Fun in Preparation. Let children help make their own lunch.   Children can also help with grocery shopping and suggestions for lunch items. Include stickers, notes or cartoons in lunch box to brighten up their day! Convenience Foods. Convenience lunch packs (ie. Lunchables) are easy but they may be high in fat, sugar and salt. So why not make your own.  Jazz up your children’s homemade lunch pack with colourful packages, or lunch bags to make it fun.

Posted: February 1, 2013

Healthy Lunch for Children: Mango Mania is back again this month with a Healthy Lunch theme!   WEEK #1: What is a healthy lunch for children?Foods from 4 food groupsFoods that are lower in fat, sugar and salt (Please refer to the chart below)Food that is safe to eat – right temperature and free of bacteriaLunch that is delicious and nutritious and contains at least 1 to 2 Fruits & Veggies

Posted: January 17, 2013

Tomorrow, Friday, Jan.18th students from K-3 are scheduled to go skating at the outdoor rink in Bay du Vin.  Please ensure your child has warm clothing as it is calling for a cold day.  Also, students must wear a helmet in order to be permitted on the ice.  We do have a few spare helmets and skates and will try to accomodate as best we can.  We encourage parent volunteers to meet us at the rink if you are able, to help tie skates, etc.  If for some reason we cancel due to weather, we will send out a talkmail message by 11:30am.

Posted: January 15, 2013

Have you been wondering what happened to the "Bucket Filling Program"?  Well, it's back!  Click on the Bucket Filler Program tab at the top to find out exciting news about be a Bucket Filler!

Posted: January 15, 2013

Hot Lunch will be offered tomorrow, Jan.16th.  For $2.00 students can enjoy a bowl of homemade chili served with a roll.  Just what you need to keep you warm on these "chili" winter days!

Posted: January 7, 2013

Welcome back to all staff and students!  Please note, student's school supplies may need to be replenished since we are starting a new year.  Please check with your child(ren) to see what materials (scissors, glue, pencils, rulers, paper, etc.) are needed.  Thank you!

Posted: December 18, 2012

Just a friendly reminder, that the Annual Christmas Concert will be held tomorrow, Dec.19th at 12:15pm.  We look forward to seeing you all there!

Posted: December 5, 2012

Mad Science is pleased to announce that it will be back at Miramichi  Schools.  This year the topics will include: Light/Refraction, Gravity, Astronomy/Space, Rockets, and probably our most popular, Birds & Beasts in which they dissect an owl pellet to find bones!  The Rocket session is over 2 weeks and each child builds their own rocket, capped off with an outdoor rocket launch!  

Posted: November 29, 2012

In an effort to raise funds for Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs, Kiara Cabana-Whiteley is collecting pop bottle tabs. Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs is an organization that helps purchase wheelchairs and other related equipment for children with a physical disability. If anyone has pop tabs they would like to donate to this great cause, please send them to the school. Your help is greatly appreciated!   


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