Just a note for students in Miss MacKenzie’s class that St.Patrick’s Day will be celebrated on Monday, March 18th. Students are asked to wear their Irish green that day!
Just a note to mention that the Pizza that was ordered for Friday's hot lunch will be served tomorrow, January 29th and the lasagna that was suppose to be served tomorrow will be served on Wednesday, January 30th instead.
Also, all February hot lunch orders are due no later than Friday, Feb.1st.
Please note we have received news that the Santa's Little Helpers back orders will be shipped on Thursday, December 13th with an estimated arrival on Monday, December 17th. Again, we apologize for any in
We would like to thank everyone who purchased item(s) from our Santa's Little Helper fundraising campaign. We really appreciate your support. We would also like to mention a special thanks to Brianna Duffy for being our Top Seller. Congratulations Brianna!
Please note, Santa's Little Helper orders arrived and are being sent home today, Friday, December 7th, 2018 with your child(ren) unless otherwise specified. Unfortunately, we are missing some items from some orders due to the product(s) being back ordered. There will be a letter in your order letting you know which item(s) are missing. These back ordered items will be shipped to the school as soon as possible.
Please note, there will be no Drama practice on Monday, December 3rd due to Parent Teacher interviews. Drama practice will resume on Wednesday, December 5th and Friday, December 7th from 2:40-4:30 p.m. Please make arrangements to pick up your child by 4:30 p.m. on these days.
Just a note that hot lunch orders were submitted today to our service provider as per our agreement with them. We apologize if you were unable to submit your order due to the storm day. In future, I suggest you try to submit the order as soon as possible.
As the cold weather and snow is upon us, it is important that students are sent to school with proper winter clothing. We do go outside prior to the school day starting and during both recess breaks. It is strongly encouraged to have students wear snow pants, a winter jacket, boots, mitts or gloves, a hat and scarf. Students are not permitted to stay inside for the cold unless the decision is made by staff due to windchill.