A babysitter's course is being offered in Miramichi in March. If you are 12 years of age or older and are intrested, check out the flyer under the document section for further details
The Miramichi Football Association will be offering a winter development cam open to both boys and girls aged 12 and up. If interested you can register online at: www.MIRFA.ca or in person at the Golden Hawk. Cost is $30.00.
The Miramichi Rural Home and School would like to thank all who sold tickets on the 55" Smart Tv and Roku box. It was very much appreciated! The winner of the second prize, Roku box was Natalie MacDonald. The grand prize winner of the 55" Smart Tv was Jason Babineau. Congratulations!
Dear families, in the fall we were required to upgrade our microwaves to proper industrial equipment. Due to the upgrade, we have a number of good used microwaves we would like to give away. If you, or someone you know is in need of a domestic microwave, stop by the school and choose one.
Please note that the January Hot Lunch Order Forms will be going home today. These are due back no later than Wednesday, December 20th. We are not able to accept late orders (especially for Subway) as we will be submitting the order by the due date.
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL GRADES K, 2 & 5 PARENTS / GUARDIANS Information Sessions, regarding program selection for September 2018, will be held according to the following schedule.